[OKC JUG] [OKCJUG] 11/14/2017 Meeting: The Lagom Microservice Framework

techlahoma at gmail.com techlahoma at gmail.com
Thu Nov 9 22:00:09 PST 2017

When: 11/14/2017 11:30 am
Where: StarSpace 46 1141 W Sheridan Ave Oklahoma City, OK

So you're going to build a microservice system. And this is not just any
system. This system is going to process a ton of traffic, and it cannot go
down - no excuses! This session covers techniques and tools that you can
use to scale individual microservices up or down as traffic rates change.
We also look at hardening your system eliminating single points of failure
and automatically recovering when various outages occur. The cornerstone of
this approach is Event Sourcing and CQRS (Command Query Responsibility
Segregation). ES and CQRS provide the platform for both scale and
resilience. We will see how this is done using Java, the Akka toolkit, the
Play framework, and the Lagom microservice framework.

Hugh McKee is a developer advocate at Lightbend. He has had a long career
building applications that evolved slowly, that inefficiently utilized
their infrastructure, and that was brittle and prone to failure. That all
changed when we started building reactive, asynchronous, actor-based
systems. This radically new way of building applications rocked his world.
As an added benefit, building application systems became way more fun than
it had ever been. Now he is focused on helping others to discover the
significant advantages and joys of building responsive, resilient, elastic,
message-driven applications.

Please go to Meetup and sign up so we will have a count for the food.

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