[OKC JUG] [OKCJUG] Meeting: Apache Kafka for Microservices

Techlahoma Foundation techlahoma at gmail.com
Thu Jun 6 22:00:03 PDT 2019

When: 11:30 am
Where: StarSpace 46 1141 W Sheridan Ave Oklahoma City, OK

Apache Kafka has boomed in recent times and is continuing to gain
popularity. As organizations move forward with microservice architecture,
they face a new challenge - communication among microservices. Many argue
Kafka is the most elegant solution. And what about Enterprise Data
Integration? It's an enormous challenge for companies. While there are many
solutions, this is also solved by Kafka's impeccable data steaming pipeline

Join us as we dive into the world of Kafka. In this talk, you can expect to
gain skills like:
-Using Apache Kafka in a microservice architecture
-Building event sourcing and CQRS design patterns
-Utilizing the Spring framework to build a communication channel among
-Creating a real-time data streaming pipeline

All while leveraging the Kafka Producer API, Consumer API, Kafka Connect
API, Kafka Stream API, Schema Registry, and KSQL. We'll see this all come
together in a demo data streaming pipeline that feeds into Elasticsearch.

Sourav Pati loves two things: technology and learning. His 12 years of
development experience with companies like Goldman Sachs, AT&T, Devon,
Toyota, and EMC2, give him a wealth of knowledge that he loves to share.
Sourav earned his Master's Degree in Computer Science from the University
of Michigan, where he published research on cloud computing and SCADA
system security. He now works for Echo Energy as a Sr. Software Development
Engineer. When he's not at work, he loves studying cutting-edge
technologies at Coffee Slingers with his wife, Lauren.

Please go to Meetup and sign up so we will have a count for the food.

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