[OKC JUG] Complimentary Webinar: Why is Software Architecture So Hard? May 6th @ 1:00 PM EST

Jay Zimmerman jzimmerman at bigskytechnology.com
Mon May 4 14:37:11 PDT 2020

Webinar: Why is Software Architecture So Hard by Mark Richards

Date/Time: Wednesday, May 6th @ 1:00 PM EST

Webinar Registration URL: tiny.cc/3ioeoz <>

Sponsored by the NFJS Virtual Workshop Series: nofluffjuststuff.com <>

Join us for this free open forum discuss of the challenges of software architecture and how to get better at it. Our distinguished expert is Mark Richards founder of Developer to Architect, author of Fundamentals of Software Architecture, Microservice Antipatterns and Pitfalls, Software Architecture Patterns and many more.

This is an open forum discussion so bring your questions if you have them, or just tune in to soak of decades of hard-won wisdom and experience from a hands-on expert.
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