[OKC JUG] Complimentary Webinar: Amp Up Your Developer Prowess with Raju Gandhi (Friday @ 12 PM CST)

Jay Zimmerman jzimmerman at bigskytechnology.com
Wed Sep 2 11:14:51 PDT 2020

Webinar: Amp Up Your Developer Prowess with Raju Gandhi

Date/Time: Friday, Sept 4th @ 1:00 PM EST

Webinar Registration:  <>https://nofluffjuststuff.com/webinar/22 <https://nofluffjuststuff.com/webinar/22>

Sponsored by the NFJS Virtual Workshop Series:  <>https://nofluffjuststuff.com/virtual-workshops <https://nofluffjuststuff.com/virtual-workshops>


“I would rather make my team of ten 2x as effective, than have one 10x developer” 

This begs the question, is there a trick to being twice as effective? How about 5x?

In this very personal webinar, Raju Gandhi shares what he believes makes him ultra effective day-to-day. His secondary reason for this webinar is purposely selfish—He is always looking to pick everyone’s brains to see what little tips and tricks he can pick up. Raju is hoping you will join him in this journey of exploration, and share any and all tips that you feel bring out the most in you. Come prepared to not only proffer your best techniques, but challenge those being presented—Continuously learning makes this process easier for all of us!

About Raju Gandhi

Raju is a published author, internationally known public speaker and trainer.
Raju can be found on Twitter as @looselytyped <https://twitter.com/looselytyped>.  In his spare time, you will find Raju reading, playing with technology, or spending time with his wonderful (and significantly better) other half.
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