[OKC JUG] Last Call...UberConf 2021 returns to Denver on Oct 5-8th (JUG Discount)

Jay Zimmerman jzimmerman at bigskytechnology.com
Mon Sep 13 11:47:10 PDT 2021

Don't Miss Out!  Register now for the Ultimate Software Conference Experience, ÜberConf 2021 returning Oct 5-8th!

UberConf 2021 will be offered in-person and online featuring over 140 technically dense ninety (90) minute sessions & 1/2 day hands on workshops.  No other software conference delivers the technical depth and breadth of UberConf 2021!  

NEW FOR 2021:  Each UberConf 2021 registration now includes eight (8) NFJS Virtual Workshop Credits (a $2,000 value!!) so you can start your UberConf journey as soon as you complete your registration!  Each month, we offer 14-16 Virtual Workshops on a variety of timely topics led by the same NFJS speakers who will see @ UberConf 2021!  

For more information on the NFJS Virtual Workshop Offering go to: nofluffjuststuff.com/virtual-workshops https://nofluffjuststuff.com/virtual-workshops   

Date:      October 5-8, 2021
Event:     UberConf 2021
Venue:    Westin Westminster
Location: Denver, CO
URL:       uberconf.com

JUG Discount Available for UberConf 2021!   
Java User Group members are eligible to receive an additional $100 discount!  
To take advantage of this offer use the Discount Code: uber100jug when registering!

UberConf 2021 Why Attend Fact PDF: SHARE THIS ÜBERCONF PDF WITH YOUR TEAM  https://uberconf.com/n/data/show/504/pdf/sessions https://uberconf.com/n/data/show/504/pdf/sessions  

Questions??  Send me an email!  

I hope to see you this fall @ UberConf 2021!   

Jay Zimmerman
UberConf 2021 Director
jay at nofluffjuststuff.com mailto:jay at nofluffjuststuff.com  
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