[OKC JUG] Let's try this again, but this time with gusto!

Jason Lee jason at steeplesoft.com
Thu Sep 21 15:56:59 PDT 2023

I am once again asking for you help to restart the Oklahoma City Java 
Users Group

Good afternoon, ladies and gents. I know we've been down this road 
before, but I intend to not let it slip this time. :) I'd really like to 
get this going in SOME fashion.

The biggest concern -- as it was last time -- is a meeting location. We 
had concrete options: Francis Tuttle on Reno, and David North offered a 
room at Oklahoma Christian. I don't know if either of those options are 
still viable, but I'll follow up off list. FT may be a bit more work 
(and less flexible) to manage reservations, wheres OC may be too far 
north (though it's basically just off of I-35). If anyone else knows of 
a good option (or works for a company that can host us), please let me know.

The second is technology. It would be GREAT if we could stream, but that 
may not be an option (and may be a plus, as then we can't get lazy and 
not show up in person :). As long, then, as we have a room in which we 
can hook up a computer to a screen, we should be golden. I expect both 
options listed above should be good on the basic setup. We can figure 
out streaming at some point.

The next thing we need is speakers. I have some presentations for 
conferences I can do, and I think Ryan offered a topic right before 
leaving the country, and things fizzled out (my fault). I would love, 
love, love new speakers, so... don't be shy.

Finally, I'd like to know who is interested in actively helping. I 
intend to be 100% transparent in how things are going, of course, but I 
don't want to pester (or wait on ;) someone who has no interest or time 
to help out (and that's fine. Life changes and gets busy, so don't feel 

I'd really love to get this thing back to our okcj-pandemic peak, so I'm 
going to put the time into it to try to get it there. The more help I 
have, the better. :)

If you read this to the end, thank you for your time, and see Ryan Hoegg 
for your gift certificate to The Sizzler.

That's a joke. The thanks are not, though. :)

Jason Lee
OKC JUG President
https://twitter.com/jasondlee <https://twitter.com/jasondlee/twitter>
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