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<span class="s1">**Mark your Calendar….Register Today for the Ultimate Software Conference Experience, ÜberConf 2021!**</span>
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<span class="s1">Join us for ÜberConf 2021 returning to beautiful Denver, CO on </span>
<span class="s1">October 5-8, 2021. </span>
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<span class="s1">UberConf 2021 will feature over 140 technically rich 90 minute sessions & 1/2 day hands on workshops. </span>
<span class="s1">No other software conference offers the technical depth and breadth of UberConf 2021! </span>
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<span class="s1">Each UberConf 2021 registration includes 8 NFJS Virtual Workshop Credits ($2,000 value!!) so you can start your UberConf journey as soon as you finish your registration! Each month, we offer 14-16 Virtual Workshops on a variety of timely topics led by the same NFJS speakers who will see @ UberConf 2021! </span>
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<span class="s1">For more information on the NFJS Virtual Workshop Offering go to: <a href="https://nofluffjuststuff.com/virtual-workshops">https://nofluffjuststuff.com/virtual-workshops</a></span>
<span class="s1">Date: October 5-8, 2021</span>
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<span class="s1">Event: UberConf 2021</span>
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<span class="s1">Venue: Westin Westminster</span>
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<span class="s1">Location: Denver, CO</span>
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<span class="s2">URL: <a href="http://uberconf.com/"><span class="s3">uberconf.com</span></a></span>
<span class="s4">JUG Discount Available for UberConf 2021!</span>
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<span class="s1">Java User Group members are eligible to receive an additional $100 discount! </span>
<span class="s1">To take advantage of this offer use the Discount Code: uber100jug when registering!</span>
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UberConf 2021 Why Attend Fact PDF:
<a href="https://nfjs.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/2021/pdf/504__berconf_sessions.pdf">https://nfjs.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/2021/pdf/504__berconf_sessions.pdf</a>
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<span class="s1">I hope to see you @ UberConf 2021! </span>
<span class="s1">All the Best,</span>
<span class="s1">Jay Zimmerman</span>
UberConf 2021 Director
<a class="mailto-link" href="mailto:jay@nofluffjuststuff.com">jay@nofluffjuststuff.com</a>