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<strong>ArchConf 2022, the Ultimate Software Architecture Experience returns to beautiful Clearwater, FL on Dec 12-15th.</strong>
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Witness firsthand the best a Software Architecture-Centric conference has to offer: exceptional speakers, technically dense ninety (90) minute sessions, and a right-sized event model all experienced in a World Class Beachfront Resort; the Opal Sands. At ArchConf 2022, the focus is entirely on the attendee experience and nothing else! <strong>ArchConf 2022</strong> features over <strong>eighty</strong> (80) architecture-centric sessions & 1/2 day hands-on workshops.
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<strong>Event: ArchConf 2022</strong>
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<strong>Date: December 12-15, 2022</strong>
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<strong>Venue: Opal Sands Resort</strong>
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<strong>Location: Clearwater, FL</strong>
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<strong>URL: <a href="https://archconf.com/">https://archconf.com</a></strong>
</div> <strong>OKCJUG Discount Available for ArchConf 2022!</strong>
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OKCJUG members are eligible to receive an additional $250 discount!
<br>To take advantage of this offer use the Promo Code: jug250arch when registering!
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<br>ArchConf 2022 Why Attend Fact PDF: <a href="https://archconf.com/n/data/show/523/pdf/sessions">https://archconf.com/n/data/show/523/pdf/sessions</a>
<br>Questions?? Send an email my way!
<br>Jay Zimmerman
ArchConf 2022 Director
</div> <a class="mailto-link" href="mailto:jay@nofluffjuststuff.com">jay@nofluffjuststuff.com</a>