[Steering Committee] Sept Meeting Bio & Abstract

Chad Gorshing gorshing at gmail.com
Wed Aug 31 08:31:37 PDT 2016

Tamara Bartlett from ThoughtWorks

Bio: Tamara is a software developer and consultant currently working for
ThoughtWorks. After graduating with a degree in Computer Engineering and a
brief stint at Boeing doing software for satellites, she now is interested
in DevOps, back-end software development, and ways to make software teams
work harder, better, faster, stronger. In her free time, she runs, drinks
excessive amounts of coffee, skydives, and attempts to do yoga. In the near
future, she's looking forward to presenting this talk at Grace Hopper
Conference (for women in computer science) and attending HashiConf to learn
more about Infrastructure as Code.

Abstract: The topic of Infrastructure as Code (IAC) keeps cropping up in
the world of Continuous Delivery and Continuous Integration but the topic
can seem a bit abstract. But what if it's compared with something everyone
is familiar with, like board games? Dip your toes into the basics of
automated deployment and Infrastructure as Code through some fun board game
analogies. Learn about the benefits, challenges and tooling of IAC.
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