[Steering Committee] Presentation Abstract

Jason Lee jason at steeplesoft.com
Thu Feb 28 14:52:17 PST 2019

How does this sound?

Title: Microservices with Micronaut

As microservices have exploded on to the scene, so have microservice 
frameworks. In the JVM world, we have a myriad of options. In an already 
crowded space, though, a new framework has appeared that is extremely 
promising. Micronaut is a polyglot microservice framework from the 
inventors of the Grails framework, supporting Java, Kotlin, and Groovy 
out of the box. Micronaut ships with support for a wide number of 
capabilities, including dependency injection, aspect oriented 
programming, object relational mapping (via JPA or GORM), cloud native 
features (Consul, Eureka, Kubernetes, AWS, and others), 
serverless/functions-as-a-service, and many more. It even comes with a 
testing framework.

In this presentation, we'll see how to get started using Micronaut using 
a small subset of those features as we build a simple REST service. 
We'll use JPA for persistence, and secure the application using JSON Web 
Tokens, all fully tested. At the end of the session, we'll have a solid 
foundation for building microservices using this new offering.

Jason Lee

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