[Steering Committee] Fwd: Visit to JUG Oklahoma ?

Jason Lee jason at steeplesoft.com
Thu Sep 5 16:00:53 PDT 2019

I've scheduled the meetup, but haven't published it yet. We need to pick 
a topic/speaker. I scheduled it for the lunch hour, as usual (though on 
a different day, of course), so we have time for one.  For my vote, I'm 
leaning toward "Jakarta EE Meets NoSQL at the Cloud Age".

Speaker: 	Bruno Souza
Bio: 	https://java.mn/about/
Talks 	Title: 	Stop Feeling Stuck! Design Your Developer Career and 
Overcome the Plateau

	Abstract: 	So many cool new technologies at events and blogs! But back 
to real life, you feel you are not learning enough. You don’t expect to 
use this cool stuff anytime soon. You feel stuck or bored, even 
stagnated. You’ve hit a career plateau. This may not be as bad as it 
sounds, though: boredom is a symptom of growth, not of failure. But 
either you solve it or it will crush you! You can use your experience to 
design your career and push it to the next level. In this interactive 
session, you’ll get a chance to discuss your real-life situation so you 
can create opportunities, improve your projects, and achieve career 

	Title: 	Be the Leader of Your Developer Career

	Abstract: 	Leadership is not about knowing the way; it’s about taking 
responsibility to find the path. Whether you are formally tasked with 
leading a team or just want people to trust your judgment, being a true 
leader will push your career forward and get you onto a path to success. 
This session will answer your questions and help you become a leader. 
Learn how to start now, no matter your official position in the company; 
what the correct leadership skills are; and how to acquire them. Stop 
feeling adrift. Start leading and forging your own path.

	Title: 	Be a better Java developer, learn faster and get more results: 
it's all about the skills!

	Abstract: 	Struggling to keep up with technology, or feeling 
overwhelmed with so many things to learn? Do you feel you are a 
competent developer, but you don't see the results in your career? Maybe 
you feel like you don't belong or that you are not good enough?
Those are common symptoms, you are not alone! This talk will show you 
what's behind those feelings, why you can't keep up, and how to solve 
that. Come learn what the last 10 years of brain science has shown about 
our career and what the best developers do differently. Discover the 
exact skills you need to have to grow, and how to apply them in your 
project today. Become a better Java developer, create unlimited growth 
and forge your own path to success.



Speaker: 	Otávio Santana 	
Bio/Photos: 	https://about.me/otaviojava 	
Talks 	Title: 	Build, run, and scale your Java applications end to end

	Abstract: 	This presentation will talk about a solution to the 
continuous deployment cloud hosting solution that can scale applications 
from the smallest projects to those handling millions of visitors. It is 
ideal for agile software teams because of its unique feature: it can 
replicate a live production cluster in seconds and create byte-level 
clones of throwaway dev and staging environments, which makes testing 
and validation 90% faster.

	Title: 	Jakarta EE Meets NoSQL at the Cloud Age

	Abstract: 	Let’s be honest: the amount of data collected by 
applications nowadays is growing at a scary pace. Many of them need to 
handle billions of users generating and consuming data at an incredible 
speed. Maybe you are wondering how to create an application like this? 
What is needed? What benefits can you take from this reality to your 
project? This session shows how Jakarta EE can meet these needs when 
you’re working with NoSQL databases in the cloud. It’s the same approach 
used by some of the biggest companies in the world to store, analyze, 
and get results from really crazy amounts of data. No matter your 
project size, you can take it to the next level today.

	Title: 	Modern Data Streaming and Processing with Apache Kafka and NoSQL

	Abstract: 	Modern microservice-based architecture needs to exchange 
data in a fast and reliable way. The use of distributed streaming 
platforms such as Apache Kafka makes the job easier, but it’s often not 
enough. Applications also use NoSQL databases to store information that 
comes from multiple sources, so it makes perfect sense to use Kafka and 
NoSQL to create a distributed streaming and processing pipeline between 
applications. This hands-on lab explores such an architecture, deploying 
applications with Oracle Cloud and Jakarta EE technologies - Oracle 
NoSQL, Kafka, and JNoSQL - that are used to connect to the database and 
receive Kafka messages as CDI events.

	Title: 	Jakarta NoSQL: Meet the first Jakarta EE specification in the 

	Abstract: 	Jakarta NoSQL is the first specification of the new era of 
Java EE now in the Eclipse Foundation home as Jakarta EE. The goal of 
this specification is to ease integration to Java applications with a 
standard API that supports more than 30 NoSQL vendors and rising. This 
presentation will show Jakarta NoSQL with MongoDB and introduce an easy 
way to move your application to the cloud age.

On 8/30/19 3:16 PM, Jason Lee wrote:
> FWIW, they're needing to make final plans soon, so we need to decide 
> if we can do this fairly quickly. I know it's a holiday weekend and 
> all, but if you're around and can chime in... :)
> On 8/30/19 10:09 AM, Jason Lee wrote:
>> This would be pretty cool, but it's off schedule. Thoughts? Is there 
>> time on the Starspace calendar? Could we move our October meeting up 
>> (or our September meeting back) for this?
>> -------- Forwarded Message --------
>> Subject: 	Visit to JUG Oklahoma ?
>> Date: 	Thu, 29 Aug 2019 16:34:35 -0300
>> From: 	Bruno Souza <bruno at javaman.com.br>
>> To: 	Jason Lee <jason at steeplesoft.com>
>> Hi Jason!
>> Bruno Souza here, from the JUGs Community.
>> Some time ago, you said you would like for the Oklahoma JUG to 
>> participate in a JUGs tour.
>> I'd like to try to make that a possibility.
>> So... I'd like to see if we could come to meet you for a JUG meeting 
>> on September 30th...
>> I'll be traveling with Otavio Santana (OpenJDK Committer, creator of 
>> JNoSQL).
>> We don't have a lot of time, so, I'll try to reach you in many ways :-D
>> If you can, ping me on twitter (@brjavaman) or whatsapp (+55 11 
>> 98133-6729)
>> Tks!
>> Bruno.
>> ______________________________________________________________________
>> Bruno Peres Ferreira de Souza Brazil's JavaMan
>> http://www.javaman.com.br <http://www.javaman.com.br/>      bruno at 
>> javaman.com.br <http://javaman.com.br/>
>>      if I fail, if I succeed, at least I live as I believe
> -- 
> Jason Lee
> http://jasondl.ee
> http://jasondl.ee/twitter
> http://jasondl.ee/in
> http://jasondl.ee/+

Jason Lee

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