[Steering Committee] [EXTERNAL]Re: Fwd: Re: Visit to JUG Oklahoma ?

Windler, Mayumi A. mayumi at ou.edu
Mon Sep 9 09:47:02 PDT 2019

ditto on #3
From: sc <sc-bounces at lists.okcjug.org> on behalf of Brent Wilkins <brent.w.wilkins at gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, September 9, 2019 11:42 AM
To: OKC JUG Steering Committee Mailing List <sc at lists.okcjug.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL]Re: [Steering Committee] Fwd: Re: Visit to JUG Oklahoma ?

I like #3 as well.

On Mon, Sep 9, 2019, 09:35 Jason Lee <jason at steeplesoft.com<mailto:jason at steeplesoft.com>> wrote:

It turns out they're *both* going to present, so we need to pick a topic for Bruno, and either lengthen the one Meetup invite or create another. I think lengthening the exist one would be less confusing. I've included Bruno's talks below for us to consider. I think the second or third would be the best options (with #3 being *my* preference if I had to choose).

Speaker:        Bruno Souza
Bio:    https://java.mn/about/

Talks   Title:  Stop Feeling Stuck! Design Your Developer Career and Overcome the Plateau

Abstract:       So many cool new technologies at events and blogs! But back to real life, you feel you are not learning enough. You don’t expect to use this cool stuff anytime soon. You feel stuck or bored, even stagnated. You’ve hit a career plateau. This may not be as bad as it sounds, though: boredom is a symptom of growth, not of failure. But either you solve it or it will crush you! You can use your experience to design your career and push it to the next level. In this interactive session, you’ll get a chance to discuss your real-life situation so you can create opportunities, improve your projects, and achieve career freedom.

Title:  Be the Leader of Your Developer Career

Abstract:       Leadership is not about knowing the way; it’s about taking responsibility to find the path. Whether you are formally tasked with leading a team or just want people to trust your judgment, being a true leader will push your career forward and get you onto a path to success. This session will answer your questions and help you become a leader. Learn how to start now, no matter your official position in the company; what the correct leadership skills are; and how to acquire them. Stop feeling adrift. Start leading and forging your own path.

Title:  Be a better Java developer, learn faster and get more results: it's all about the skills!

Abstract:       Struggling to keep up with technology, or feeling overwhelmed with so many things to learn? Do you feel you are a competent developer, but you don't see the results in your career? Maybe you feel like you don't belong or that you are not good enough?
Those are common symptoms, you are not alone! This talk will show you what's behind those feelings, why you can't keep up, and how to solve that. Come learn what the last 10 years of brain science has shown about our career and what the best developers do differently. Discover the exact skills you need to have to grow, and how to apply them in your project today. Become a better Java developer, create unlimited growth and forge your own path to success.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        Re: Visit to JUG Oklahoma ?
Date:   Fri, 6 Sep 2019 00:42:45 -0300
From:   Bruno Souza <bruno at javaman.com.br><mailto:bruno at javaman.com.br>
To:     Andres Barbaro <andres at tailwindapp.com><mailto:andres at tailwindapp.com>
CC:     Jason Lee <jason at steeplesoft.com><mailto:jason at steeplesoft.com>

Cool Andres!

That's one talk, that's great!
What would you like me to present on?

Bruno Peres Ferreira de Souza                         Brazil's JavaMan
http://www.javaman.com.br<http://www.javaman.com.br/>                      bruno at javaman.com.br<http://javaman.com.br/>
     if I fail, if I succeed, at least I live as I believe

On Thu, Sep 5, 2019 at 11:11 PM Andres Barbaro <andres at tailwindapp.com<mailto:andres at tailwindapp.com>> wrote:
Bruno, thanks so much for taking the time to come and visit us in Oklahoma City.  This is super exciting!  Like Jason I like the Jakarta EE + NoSQL in the Cloud.  Can we go ahead with that one so we can start promoting this talk right away?
Thanks again!


On Wed, Sep 4, 2019 at 12:26 PM Jason Lee <jason at steeplesoft.com<mailto:jason at steeplesoft.com>> wrote:

Excellent! I've added our JUG president to the loop.

I've created a place holder Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/okcjug/events/264557279/

We can adjust time, duration, details, etc.

I'm excited this will work out this year.

On 9/4/19 12:14 PM, Bruno Souza wrote:
Excellent! We'll send tomorrow the proposals!

Bruno Peres Ferreira de Souza                         Brazil's JavaMan
http://www.javaman.com.br<http://www.javaman.com.br/>                      bruno at javaman.com.br<http://javaman.com.br/>
     if I fail, if I succeed, at least I live as I believe

On Wed, Sep 4, 2019 at 1:57 PM Jason Lee <jason at steeplesoft.com<mailto:jason at steeplesoft.com>> wrote:
Do you have a meeting abstract or anything I can post in the Meetup? I need to get that created to get the venue scheduled.
On 9/4/19 11:06 AM, Bruno Souza wrote:
Hi Jason,

Just to let you know that we are buying the flights today!
As it stands, we are coming to Oklahoma Sunday night, on the 29th.
So, if you want to do something at lunchtime on the 30th, we'll be there!

Let me know if this is what you prefer, or if you are planning something for the night.

Bruno Peres Ferreira de Souza                         Brazil's JavaMan
http://www.javaman.com.br<http://www.javaman.com.br/>                      bruno at javaman.com.br<http://javaman.com.br/>
     if I fail, if I succeed, at least I live as I believe

On Tue, Sep 3, 2019 at 12:57 PM Jason Lee <jason at steeplesoft.com<mailto:jason at steeplesoft.com>> wrote:

Trying to nail this down today.

On 8/30/19 11:13 AM, Bruno Souza wrote:
We could indeed plan to be there by lunch hour. We could travel Sunday night for example. JUGs usually ask us to meet at night, but we are flexible!

Ill add you to the schedule, and look at possible flights. Let's try to make this!

We need to book flights soon, so, if you tell me you'll figure out something, we will show up :-)


On Fri, Aug 30, 2019, 12:10 PM Jason Lee <jason at steeplesoft.com<mailto:jason at steeplesoft.com>> wrote:

That would be awesome! I've forwarded this to the rest of our steering committee to see about scheduling. We'll have to see if our facility has an opening on the 30th. Do you prefer a time of day? We usually meet at the lunch hour, but that can be tricky for speakers traveling in...

On 8/29/19 2:34 PM, Bruno Souza wrote:

Hi Jason!

Bruno Souza here, from the JUGs Community.

Some time ago, you said you would like for the Oklahoma JUG to participate in a JUGs tour.
I'd like to try to make that a possibility.

So... I'd like to see if we could come to meet you for a JUG meeting on September 30th...
I'll be traveling with Otavio Santana (OpenJDK Committer, creator of JNoSQL).

We don't have a lot of time, so, I'll try to reach you in many ways :-D

If you can, ping me on twitter (@brjavaman) or whatsapp (+55 11 98133-6729)

Bruno Peres Ferreira de Souza                         Brazil's JavaMan
http://www.javaman.com.br<http://www.javaman.com.br/>                      bruno at javaman.com.br<http://javaman.com.br/>
     if I fail, if I succeed, at least I live as I believe

Jason Lee

Jason Lee

Jason Lee

Jason Lee

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