[Steering Committee] Re-restarting the JUG

Jason Lee jason at steeplesoft.com
Thu Apr 14 19:27:48 PDT 2022

Good evening! I'm sitting here in my hotel in Atlanta after the closing 
of Devnexus 2022. I got to talk to several friends/acquaintances that 
lead various JUGs to see how things are going for them, and I'm 
re-enthused about restarting our JUG. Several people have expressed 
interest in doing so, but nobody has made the move to do so, therefore, 
if I may be so bold, I'm just going to do it. Here's my plan:

 1. Unless someone just REALLY wants to instead, I'm going to appoint
    myself president and get this kick started. :)
 2. I will reach back out to Techlahoma to see where things stand on UGs
    these days and see if we can restart that relationship.
 3. I'm going to pick a time and day of the week and start planning
    sessions (this will depend both on the outcome of the discussion
    above and my personal schedule :), most likely presenting myself to
    help get things going.
 4. I'd like to assemble a board to help govern things, but I know
    people are busy, so I'm happy to press on alone if needed. Please
    don't make me. :)
 5. I am going to export the content of our old WordPress-based site and
    rebuild it with a static generator (e.g., JBake or Jekyll) and host
    it under an OKCJUG org on GitHub.
 6. I will try to regain access to the OKCJUG GitHub and Twitter
    accounts (*Brian Sheldon*: Do you remember the credentials for
    either? You're the only other person I can think of that had those).
 7. I'm going to look at other JUGs and reach out to my contacts there
    to see what other digital capabilities we may be lacking and try to
    get those going.
 8. Once details have started to come together, I'll email the main JUG
    list to announce those details. I will likely, though, make a teaser
    announcement in the coming days.
 9. I will try to figure out what I've forgotten and do that too.

I am going to have lunch (hopefully not by myself :) at Jason's Deli on 
NW Expressway at 11:30 on Wednesday (4/20) to discuss these items with 
anyone interested. Lacking any negative feedback, concerns, etc., I'm 
going to press on, so if you have any of those, chime up here or come to 
lunch next Wednesday and harangue me in person. :)

Jason Lee
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