[OKC JUG] [OKCJUG] Meeting: Reactive Micro-Services

Techlahoma Foundation techlahoma at gmail.com
Thu Dec 6 22:00:04 PST 2018

When: 11:30 am
Where: StarSpace 46 1141 W Sheridan Ave Oklahoma City, OK

We will start by introducing the concept of reactive programming and how it
can benefit, simplify, and streamline software development and deployment.
Then we will dig into the Reactor implementation of this idea and finally
we will run some code to show reactive at work.

Andres Barbaro is Vice President of Software Development at Power Costs,
Inc. (PCI); Responsible for managing the software development and
engineering practice across the entire organization and product portfolio.

He has over ten years of experience in the energy industry, with an
in-depth understanding of operations, trading, planning, and financial
aspects of energy portfolios, specializing in business analytics and

Please go to Meetup and sign up so we will have a count for the food.

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