[OKC JUG] [OKCJUG] 05-08-2018 Meeting: Jerkey: An introduction to Kotlin DSLs using Jersey

techlahoma at gmail.com techlahoma at gmail.com
Thu May 3 22:00:12 PDT 2018

When: 05-08-2018 11:30 am
Where: StarSpace 46 1141 W Sheridan Ave Oklahoma City, OK

One of the many strengths of Kotlin is the ease with it allows us to write
Domain Specific Languages. Perhaps you've seen Anko for Android, or maybe
TornadoFX for JavaFX and gotten the itch to write your own, or maybe just
wondered how its done. Wonder know more!

In this session, we'll start from the beginning, covering the basics you
need to understand in order write a DSL. Next, we'll spec out how we want
the DSL to look and work, and, finally, we'll implement it and in doing so
demonstrate not only the power of Kotlin, but how well the Kotlin-Java
interop really is by wrapping the JAX-RS library Jersey. Good times will be
had by all!

Jason Lee is a Senior Principal Software Engineer with Oracle, where he
functions as his team's architect. Prior to Oracle, he worked for NetSuite
and Sun Microsystems, both of which were acquired by Big Red (so if you're
hoping to be acquired by Oracle, give him a call). With over 21 years of
experience, he has worked with a number of programming languages (Java,
C/C++, Javascript, PHP, Python, Delphi and so on) in a variety of
industries, with Java -- and Java EE -- being the primary focus for well
over a decade now. He found Kotlin a few years ago, and has been trying to
use it everywhere possible.

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