[Steering Committee] October Meeting

Jason Lee jason at steeplesoft.com
Fri Sep 9 07:41:34 PDT 2022

I know we haven't even had September's meeting yet, but I have a 
possibility for October. A friend of mine will be in the States for 
JavaOne and is trying to hit some local JUGs. He sent me an email with 
some dates, and I've been slow to respond, so the only one left is 
October 14, which is a Friday. I've included the abstract and bio below

*Ryan*, is the...event room (?) available at Starspace then? Should I 
contact Clevyr to see if they could host?

I'd love to be able to have him present this. He gave this at Devnexus, 
and while I didn't attend this session, I did get to talk to the Azul 
contingent at their booth, and this looks awesome. Would be a good one 
to share with the local Java peeps.

I am still trying to work out a time for Bruno Souza, from Brazil, but I 
haven't heard any more from since my last email to this group. If that 
works out, we may have *two* meetings in October, but I'm ok with that, 
assuming we can work out the logistics.

Anyone have any thoughts to share?

What the CRaC - Superfast JVM startup

*In a world where microservices are more and more a standard 
architecture for Java based applications running in the cloud, the JVM 
warmup time can become a limitation. Especially when you look at 
spinning up new instances of an app as response to changes in load, the 
warmup time can be a problem. Native images are one solution to solve 
these problems because their statically ahead of time compiled code 
simply doesn’t have to warmup and so has short startup time. But even 
with the shorter startup time and smaller footprint it doesn’t come 
without a drawback. The overall performance might be slower because of 
the missing JIT optimizations at runtime. There is a new OpenJDK project 
called CRaC (Coordinated Restore at Checkpoint) which goal it is to 
address the JVM warmup problem with a different approach. The idea is to 
take a snapshot of the running JVM, store it in files and restore the 
JVM at a later point in time (or even on another machine).
This session will give you a short overview of the CRaC project and 
shows some results from a proof of concept implementation.

*Gerrit Grunwald is a software engineer that loves coding for around 40 
years already. He is a true believer in open source and has participated 
in popular projects like JFXtras.org as well as his own projects 
(TilesFX, Medusa, Enzo, SteelSeries Swing, SteelSeries Canvas, JDKMon). 
Gerrit blogs regularly at harmonic-code.org, he is an active member of 
the Java community, where he founded and leads the Java User Group 
Münster (Germany), he is a JavaOne rockstar and a Java Champion. He is a 
speaker at conferences and user groups internationally and writes for 
several magazines.

Jason Lee
OKC JUG President
https://twitter.com/jasondlee <https://twitter.com/jasondlee/twitter>
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